
How To Find My Hp Printer Ip Address

Your printer's IP address is a 12-digit ID number used to connect it to the net or a device. You lot can detect it in four different ways:


  • How to discover a printer's IP address
  • On Windows x
  • Using the Command Prompt
  • On MacOS
  • Using the CUPS Webpage
  • From the Network Configuration Page
  • On your router
  • On your printer's bill of fare
  • What you can do with your printer's IP

How to observe a printer'south IP address (Windows 10)

    1. Open Control Console > Hardware and Sound > Devices and Printers.
    2. Right-click the printer and select Properties.
    3. Look in the Spider web Services tab for your IP address if only 3 tabs appear.
    4. Alternatively, look in the Ports tab for your IP accost if five tabs appear.

NOTE: Your printer driver will either use a WSD (Web Services for Devices) to connect or a TCP/IP port. Depending on which one it uses, three or five tabs will appear in a mini window.

Click here to find your printer's IP address

How to observe your printer'south IP address using the Control Prompt (CMD)

    1. Open Command Prompt by pressing the Windows key and typing cmd.
    2. Type netstat -r.
    3. Printing Enter.
    4. Yous will now be able to run across a listing of network devices connected to your calculator and your printer's IP.

How to observe a printer's IP address (Mac)

    1. Open Arrangement Preferences from the dock or by clicking on the Apple logo in the peak left corner of your screen.
    2. Click on Printers and Scanners.
    3. Select a printer from the left-hand column.
    4. Click on Options and Supplies.
    5. Your printer'southward IP address is a 12 digit number listed nether Location.

How To Discover Your Printer'south IP Accost Using the CUPS Webpage

    1. Open your Applications folder, and then open Utilities.
    2. Open Final.
    3. Blazon cupsctl WebInterface=yes and press Enter. The CUPS web interface will now exist enabled.
    4. Open Safari, and in the address bar, type: localhost:631/printers into the address bar.
    5. Your printer's IP address volition be shown in the Location column.

How to Find Your Printer'due south IP Address From the Network Configuration Page

Almost all printer's can print out a network configuration page, which shows the printer'due south IP address. Check your printer'due south manual for specific instructions, simply by and large, y'all can do this via your printer'southward settings, or past long-pressing a certain push button.

    1. For instance, on a HP Laser Jet Pro M1212n, y'all would go to Set-upwards > Reports > Reports Demo Page > Config Study. And the folio should impress.
    2. For Catechism imageRUNNER printers, you can print the network configuration page past going to the Main Menu > Settings > Preferences > Network.
    3. Printers without a display screen unremarkably print the network configuration page when yous long-press the Power, Get, or Wi-Fi button – for five to 10 seconds.

How to find a printer's IP accost from the router

    1. If you have access rights to your router, yous tin can detect your printer's IP address in the router'south setup menu. Commencement, you'll need to log in.
    2. Open up whatever web browser and type in 192.168.1.i into the address bar — hitting enter.
    3. Enter your router username and countersign. If you've forgotten them, ask your admin to remind you or try our tips hither.
    4. In one case you're in, look for a DHCP Customer Table or a client list (found under the Local Network section).
    5. Open the client list and find and click on your printer to see it'due south IP address.

How to find a printer'due south IP accost from the printer'south menu

    1. You may need to refer to your printer'southward manual for exact instructions, but the following steps should become y'all to the right part of the menu on most machines.
    2. Press the Home button on the printer to brandish the card: select Preferences, Options, or Wireless Settings.
    3. Check the tiptop of the next box that appears. The IP accost is sometimes displayed on its tiptop border.
    4. Can't see it? Continue to View Wireless Details and check in that location. Alternatively attempt to navigate your way to networking or network setup options to notice your printer'due south IP accost. Some printer menus may utilise headings such every bit TCP/IP, Network Condition or Wi-Fi Condition.

What you lot can do with your printer's IP

At present that you've hopefully got your printer's IP address handy, yous'll be able to start fixing any connection issues by typing it into the command prompt box. If you're trying to connect new devices to your printer, you tin can now blazon your printer's IP address into the Hostname or IP address box. Remember, the device must already exist connected to the network for the printer to exist able to brand a connection through the router.

Want to find out more?

Check out to NordVPN on YouTube.


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